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The journey to the Centre’s creation began two decades ago with the formation of the Northeast Petroleum Consortium in 1998. The consortium was a response to an increased demand and need for appropriate oil and gas industry training.

In 2005, a Centre of Excellence for Oil and Gas came into being, and upon its completion in 2007 made its home in the Jim Kassen Industry Training Centre at Northern Lights College in Fort St. John.

As the industry evolved, so did the Centre. In 2012, the Centre of Training Excellence in Oil and Gas was established, and the steering committee met for the first time the following year.

In 2014, the CTEOG created the The Working in Natural Gas (WiNG) , as the BC Natural Gas Workforce committee wanted to better prepare future workers for the industry.
In 2016, Northern Lights College commissioned an environmental scan and reviewed the Centre’s mandate. With this new information, a fresh strategic plan and an advisory committee terms of reference were created. From here, a director was appointed and advisory committee formed. In 2019, the advisory committee, with elected co-chairs and new Terms of Reference, began to implement their strategic plan